April 27, 2016 – Modesto, CA
Spring is upon us and that means blooming flowers and hatching chicks. Whether your objectives include organic egg production, raising birds for meat or just keeping pet chickens healthy, Modesto Milling can provide the feed you need.
Modesto Milling has many different feeds to meet different goals for different feathered friends at different life stages. We have organic starter, grower and finisher feeds; turkey starter; soy-free; corn-free; whole grain layer; loose ingredients and scratch. Plus, we have supplements like grit, herbs, vitamins, minerals and nesting materials to improve health and comfort.
We also try to stay on top of trends in ingredients and breeding. Obviously, we talk to our own customers and collaborate with them to modify existing formulations or create new formulations as trends emerge. We attend several shows a year where we compare notes with competitors, breeders, vendors, experts and competitors’ customers. We also track poultry-specific articles, blogs and Facebook pages such as Tom the Chicken Man, Poultry Natural Living & Herbal Care and Backyard Meat Chickens.
All of the conversations and trend watching shape the ingredients we use and way we formulate our feed. For example, we have increased our use of stabilized rice bran and organic peas over the last year. Soy is an important ingredient for many of our breeders to facilitate growth. This need and our desire to control quality and open up new supply sources prompted us to start milling our own soy-based products at our Planada mill in the last year.
Are there trends you are tracking that we should be, too? If so, reach out to Chris Wagner at cwagner@modestomilling.com or 209-523-9167 ext.9107.